Coral Beauty
Coral Beauty
Common Names
Twospined Angelfish, Dusky Angelfish, Coral Beauty
Scientific Name
Centropyge bispinosa
(Feeds primarily on algae but will consume tiny animals that reside in the algae)
10-15 Years
Natural Habitat/Origin
These secretive fish are found in lagoon and seaward reef slopes that provide a plethora of coral growth and algae.
International Distribution
The Coral Beauty is found from East Africa to the Tuamoto Island then north to the Izu Island and south to Lord Howe Island near Australia. They are not found in the Red Sea, Hawaii or the southern Pacific Ocean.
The Coral Beauty has a small oval shape body with rounded fins. In nature these fish can grow up to 4” (10 cm). Coloration and patterning can vary depending on where they are collected ranging from entirely purple to less purple but usually the dwarf angelfish are red or orange with thin vertical stripes that are dark blue. They also have a purplish blue over the head, face, and fins with a blue-edged orange-red spot at the base of the pectoral fin.
Conservation Status
The Coral Beauty is of Least Concern due to a stable population listed on the IUCN Red List.
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